Victor Armstrong serves as Vice President for Health Equity and Engagement with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Victor has previously served as Chief Diversity Officer with Recovery Innovations International, and Chief Health Equity Officer for North Carolina DHHS. Victor has also served as developmental Director of the NC Division of Mental Health, was Victor NC state government roles, his Prior to. Substance Abuse Services and Disabilities, Encased in Charlotte, Vice President of Behavioral Health with Atrium Health.
Victor has over 30 years of experience in human services, primarily dedicated to building and strengthening community resources to serve individuals who have been historically marginalized. He is a nationally recognized speaker on issues regarding health equity and access to healthcare, particularly as it relates to individuals living with mental health challenges.
Victor currently serves on the steering committee of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention. He also serves on the Board of Directors for RI International as well the Board of Directors for I2I Center for integrative health. He is a member of the Board of Advisors for East Carolina University School of Social Work, the Council of Advisors for St. Augustine’s University and is the host of the “Strong Talk” podcast.
Victor’s awards and recognitions include:
- National Association of Social Workers North Carolina (NASW-NC) 2022 Social Worker of the Year
- Addiction Professionals of NC (APNC) 2021 DEI Leadership & Impact Award
- Mental Health America’s 2021 H. Keith Brunnemer, Jr. Award for “Outstanding Mental Health Leadership”
- Black Mental Health Symposium 2019 Mental Health Advocate of the Year
- East Carolina University School of Social Work 2018 Distinguished Alumni Award
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) NC, 2012 Mental Health Professional of the Year.
Victor graduated, Magna Cum Laude, from North Carolina Central University with a bachelor’s degree in business management and received his MSW from East Carolina University. He is the husband of Dr. Charletta Armstrong and the father of three sons, Carter, Alonzo, and Victor Jr.