Donny C. Lambeth has served North Carolina citizens through membership on various State and
community Boards. He is currently a member of three vital Boards: myFUTURENC; Affordable Care Act Study
Committee; and, Mental Health Committee. Membership on past boards include: Child Fatality Task Force, Trellis,
State Health Coordinating Council and the March of Dimes.
Representative Lambeth was the author and primary sponsor of HB662: Carolina Cares, during the 2017 Session and HB655: NC Healthcare for Working Families during the 2019 Session. Both of these bills were presented with the intent of closing the healthcare coverage gap in North Carolina. With the focus of these bills on quality, access,
patient satisfaction, and budget predictability, Donny believes that North Carolina immediately jumps to the
forefront in the nation as a model of care.