Cindy Ehlers, MS, LCMHC, serves as the Chief Operations Officer for- Trillium Health Resources. She is focused on improving access to health and affordability through emerging analytics and innovative solutions. She leads several major components of Trillium overseeing the strategy and innovation for Trillium along with member and network operations. Trillium Health Resources, is a leader in innovation for behavioral health and IDD and the life long supports needed by these populations in NC.
Cindy is a champion for the implementation of evidence based practices. Cindy has developed a robust department within Trillium focused on approaches that address opportunities for health and health disparity throughout eastern NC. She has worked in both the public servant for the past 32 years. Cindy has developed many programs and services in behavioral health and intellectual and developmental disabilities in rural eastern North Carolina overcoming rural barriers and many health disparities to meeting service needs of the BH-IDD population.
Cindy offers a unique perspective in her role as an Executive in the NC system, as she is both a parent and professional. Cindy has six children- several who have special needs; she was a therapeutic foster parent and is an adoptive parent. Cindy understands the system from the perspective of the MCO, from inside out and as a parent of children with special healthcare needs from the outside in. Her lived experience is unique to find in healthcare at this level in an organization. Trillium is the only health plan in the state with a parent who has been a foster parent, adoptive parent and is the parent of children with IDD on the Executive team of the organization.