Representative Verla Insko has served in the North Carolina House since 1997. She represents the 56th House District which includes Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and part of Orange County. Her professional training is in biology, education, and public administration. She is a former junior high school science teacher and a retired health program administrator.
Representative Insko has a long history of public service. She served eight years on the Chapel Hill Carrboro Board of Education, and four years on the Orange County Board of Commissioners. In addition, she has been a member and chair of many local and state- wide nonprofit boards. Her primary areas of service in the General Assembly are: Health and Human Services with a focus on mental illness, intellectual and developmental disabilities and substance addiction Education, Environment and Election Law.
Rep. Insko was primary sponsor of the following bills that became law in NC.
- Mental Health Parity.
- Driver License/Deaf or Hard of Hearing Designation.
- Inclusive Care, the state funded high risk pool for people with pre-existing conditions, discontinued when the Affordable Care Act was passed.
- Confidence in Elections, the law that requires a paper trail ballot for every vote cast in NC elections.
- Evaluate DD Residential Options for Children
- Oversight I/DD Employment/Education Programs